Virtual Reconstruction of Ephesus Ancient City

Have you ever wondered what the well-known landmarks of Ephesus such as the Library of Celsus, Terrace Houses, the Fountain of Trajan, and Grand Theater of Ephesus looked like 2000 years ago?

The Library of Celsus

The most interesting landmark of ancient Ephesus is the Celsus Library. It is the 3rd largest library in the ancient world with around 14,000 scrolls. More Information>>

The Library of Celsus in Ephesus then and now comparison

The Temple of Hadrian

The Temple of Hadrian is believed to have been built in the name of Emperor Hadrian, one of the 5 best emperors of the Roman Empire. It is also one of the most interesting structures in the city for visitors. More Information>>

The Temple of Hadrian Ephesus then and now comparison

The Fountain of Trajan

A source of water used by the Ephesians for their daily needs and a temple built in the name of Emperor Trajan. More Details>>

the Fountain of Trajan Ephesus then and now comparison

Grand Theater of Ephesus

The Great Theatre of Ephesus is one of the largest theatres in the Roman Empire with a capacity of 25,000 people. It was also of great importance in the early Christian period. St Paul made his speech to the Ephesians here. More Information>>

The Grand Theater of Ephesus then and now comparison

Curetes Street

Curetes Street is the busiest and most magnificent street in the city. Both sides of the street are lined with statues of people and gods important to the city. More Information>>

Curetes Street of Ephesus then and now comparison

Commercial Agora

The city’s main commercial center, where the merchant ships arriving at the port sell their goods. The Agora is located at the end of the harbor street, and next to the Library of Celsus. More Information>>

Commercial Agora of Ephesus then and now comparison

Terrace Houses

The Terrace Houses, consisting of 7 luxurious villas, are also known as the Houses of the Riches. These houses give an insight into the lives of wealthy Romans. The Terrace Houses are located in the ancient city of Ephesus, however, you need to buy a separate ticket for entrance. More Information>>

Terrace Houses in Ephesus then and now comparison

Memmius Monument

The Monument of Memmius was erected in the 1st century A.D. in honor of Memmius, the grandson of the dictator Sulla, who saved Ephesus from the murderous soldiers of the Pontos king Mithridates, but who also levied a tribute on Ephesus for siding with Mithridates against the Romans. At the end of the same century, a fountain was added in front.

the Memmius Monument Ephesus then and now comparison

The Temple of Artemis

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus is one of the glorious temples and the seven wonders of the ancient world. More Information>>

The temple of artemis at Ephesus then and now comparison

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